Mining Division safeguards abandoned mines in Sierra County

The New Mexico Abandoned Mine Land Program significantly enhanced public safety and environmental preservation in 2024 by systematically addressing the hazardous legacy of 20th-century mining operations in Sierra County.

Tax Credit Programs

From purchasing an electric vehicle to making energy-saving home renovations, New Mexico has many ways to secure a tax credit. Explore our tax credit page to see which program will work for you.

Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department

Work for EMNRD

Learn about current featured jobs with our Department.

New Mexico State Parks Fees

Beginning January 1, 2025, NM State Parks will implement changes to our Fees and boating rules. These changes include differentiation in resident and non-resident camping and day-use fees. The changes also impact life jacket wear and boat registration fees on human-powered vessels. Click the link below for more information.

Visit our clean-energy website

Click below to learn how you can save on energy-efficient products–from clean cars to home appliances and more.

Office of the Secretary

The Office of the Secretary provides policy direction for the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department and oversees all aspects of the Department’s mission to position New Mexico as a national leader in energy and natural resource management.

Energy Conservation

ECAM develops and implements effective clean energy programs – renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation, clean fuels and efficient transportation – to promote environmental and economic sustainability for New Mexico and its citizens.

Forestry Division

New Mexico Forestry Division is responsible for wildfire suppression on all non-federal, non-municipal, non-tribal, and non-pueblo lands, and provides technical advice on forest and resource management.

Mining & Minerals

MMD’s mission is to promote the public trust by ensuring the responsible utilization, conservation, reclamation, and safeguarding of land and resources affected by mining.

Oil Conservation

The Oil Conservation Division regulates oil, gas, and geothermal activity in New Mexico, and collects well production data; permits new wells; enforces the division’s rules and the state’s oil and gas statutes; and ensures land is responsibly restored.

State Parks

New Mexico’s 35 State Parks protect and enhance natural and cultural resources, provide first-class recreational and education facilities and opportunities, in a safe and family-friendly environment.

EMNRD Vision

EMNRD strives to make our state a leader in developing reliable supplies of energy, and energy-efficient technologies and practices, with a balanced approach toward conserving our renewable and non-renewable resources; to protect the environment and ensure responsible reclamation of land and resources affected by mineral extraction; to be effective in leading our state in growing healthy, sustainable forests and managing them for a variety of users and ecologically sound uses; and to improve the state park system into a nationwide leader that contributes to a sustainable economy statewide while protecting New Mexico’s natural, cultural, and recreational resources for posterity.

See the latest work for the Climate Change Task Force

See how much is left in the 2024 Solar Market Development Tax Credit Fund

Read EMNRD’s 2023 Annual Report

Read the first New Mexico 30 by 30 Conservation Report

New Mexico's Energy Transition Monthly Update

Federal Nondiscrimination Laws and Guidance

The New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) is committed to open government, equal opportunity services, inclusive public participation, and language access.

Requests for special accommodations at an agency meeting should be sent at least 10 business days prior to the meeting. To request accommodations or register a complaint or grievance regarding any EMNRD service: Click Here.

More information on EMNRD’s commitment to equal access to services can be found here.